It all started with a study trip, and a concurrence of circumstances.
In 2013 Leanne Jansen looked back in Wau (the magazine of Laverna, the study association in Amsterdam) on the origins of Sophia Aeterna:
‘It all started with a study trip and a concurrence of circumstances. The year before, Rosanne Boermans and I had planned to organise a study trip, but we soon learned that that was almost unattainable without a study association. Tuchè fated that Tes Mijnders, Guus van Loon en Bas Clercx had forged plans to found a study association, however they never went through with it. Joining our forces was probably one of the best decisions ever made in our programme I say proudly!'
On the 12th of March 2012 our new study association was born. The name was chosen though a Facebook poll and not too long after that the logo came to be. The association was first responsible for pre-existing activities like the end-of-the-year barbecue, the Christmas drinks, the open mic and the theater performances. New activities soon followed: A trip to Trier, the reason of existence, as a first highlight in the summer of 2012.

By now, Sophia Aeterna consists of almost fifteen committees and has an activity planned almost every week.
Sophia's board still functions as the backbone of the study program. The current board introduces themselves here.

Board XII (2023-2024)
Praeses: Mare Plantinga
Ab-actis: Walt Kraeger
Quaestor: Robin Bakker
Assessor: Amy Senne
Board XI (2022-2023)
Praeses: Maaike van den Berg
Ab-actis: Maud van Es
Quaestor: Myrthe van Drunen
Assessor: Sienna van der Poel

Board X (2021-2022)
Praeses: Thirza Vis
Ab-actis: Lisanne Ledegang
Quaestor: Heleen Deen
Assessor: Mick Lammers
Board IX (2020-2021)
Praeses: Iris de Smalen
Ab-actis: Leoniek Koster
Quaestor: Jildou de Regt
Assessor: Lucas Faessen

Board VIII (2019-2020)
Praeses: Manon Junggeburt
Ab-actis: Evelien Nijveld
Quaestor: Wiebe Snoeij
Assessor: Corine van den Bergh
Board VII (2018-2019)
Praeses: Esther Faassen
Ab-actis: Eileen van den Akerboom
Quaestor: Wilanne van Goch
Assessor: Louise van der Vlugt

Board VI (2017-2018)
Praeses: Jikke Koning
Ab-actis: Esther Faassen
Quaestor: Susanne Belonje
Assessor: Benjamin Plomp
Board V (2016-2017)
Praeses: Tunske de Vries
Ab-actis: Leonie Verberne
Quaestor: Olivia Monster
Assessor: Inge Booister

Board IV (2015-2016)
Praeses: Bob van Velthoven
Ab-actis: Marloes Velthuizen
Quaestor: Floor Sombroek
Assessor: Maike van Haeringen
Board III (2014-2015)
Praeses: Anouk Wallien
Ab-actis: Erik-Jan Dros
Quaestor: Bob van Velthoven
Assessor: Jeroen van Asten

Board II (2013-2014)
Praeses: Leonie Henkes
Ab-actis: Fleur Wetsema
Quaestor: Erik-Jan Dros
Assessor: Eveline van Rijn
Board I (2012-2013)
Praeses: Bas Clercx
Ab-actis: Leanne Jansen
Quaestor: Guus van Loon
Assessor Internal: Tes Mijnders
Assessor External: Rosanne Boermans